Mailing Address: 187 Tri Vista Dr., Lake Junaluska, NC 28745
Phone: 828-226-3177
Spouse's Name: Donna
Children's Names: Rebekah Ralph (36) and Amy Black (32)
Occupation: Clergy
Special Interests: Golf, Travel
Significant Events: Retired in 2021, but was called back to serve a small church in Jackson County. Still involved with other aspects of the church as a member of the WNCC Board of Ordained Ministry. Love to travel. Our oldest daughter, Dr. Rebekah Ralph is a community pastor for the UMC near Winston-Salem. This year she was able to adopt her 3 foster sons. Amy Black is a critical care nurse in Carmel, IN and has one child, my beautiful granddaughter. Donna and I are planning to tour the UK this summer in addition to trips to Winston and Indiana. Mike had open heart surgery in November 2023 to replace the aortic valve which was a problem I was born with. Doing great now!