Children's Names: John Andrew (33) and Christopher William (29)
Grandchildren: Evelynne (12), Harrison Liam (7/6/12), Eleanor Jean (3/31/14)
Occupation: Basic Electronics teacher for all rates in the Navy, and on staff for Navigation and Surface Ship Operations/AEGIS trainer, (San Diego City College - Navy Contract, Great Lakes IL)
Special Interests: Reading History, Firearms Collecting, Target Shooting and taking care of grandkids
Significant Events: 1978 Graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with commission in the US Navy;
Weapons Officer, USS Savannah; Surface Operations Officer USS Carl Vinson; Navigation Instructor, Fleet Training Center, Norfolk VA; Operations Officer and First Lieutenant, USS LaMoure County; First Lieutenant, USS Abraham Lincoln; Admiral's Staff, Commander Training Command, Norfolk; Navigator, USS IOWA, then Commanding Officer;
NORFOLK Naval Base Security, Harbor Patrol Officer; Secondary Education Program, Old Dominion University; Virginia Beach Public Schools Homebound Program; Indian Trails Academy (Freshman Social Science seminar, Senior Economics); and San Diego City College Adult Reading Program for Recruits entering the US Navy.
2006-2011, Navigation and Surface Ship Operations/AEGIS teacher for San Diego City College
2011-present, Basic Electronics teacher for all rates in the Navy, (San Diego City College - Navy Contract, Great Lakes IL)